[Celebration / Birthday] June 24 / LiSA

Today, June 24th is LiSA's birthday ★
35 years old this year! congratulations!
The overwhelming enthusiasm of performance and singing ability attracts many fans and is a popular artist who attracts not only Japan but also the world.
Introducing LiSA's profile and appearances!
Let's celebrate her birthday together ♪ (* ^ ▽ ^ *)

LiSA's profile

Born June 24, 1987, Cancer, B type. Born in Gifu prefecture.
Selected as the singer of the second vocal Yui of the band "Girls Dead Monster" commonly known as "Gardemo" in the TV anime "Angel Beats!" Broadcast in 2010.
It has gained popularity by selling over 400,000 single albums under the name of Girls Dead Monster.
In the spring of 2011, he made his solo debut with the mini album "Letters to U".

After that, he was in charge of the theme songs of many popular works such as "Fate / Zero", "Sword Art Online", and "The Irregular at Magic High School".
Its popularity has been a hit not only in Japan but all over the world.

In 2019, we will release the anime theme song "Gurenge" of the popular work "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" that has caused a social phenomenon!
And he made his first appearance in the "70th NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen".

The singer LiSA, who has captured the hearts of many fans, is also not to be missed on the future!

Click here for LiSA's related items

LiSA's work

Here are some of LiSA's related items!

[1] Gurenge [Limited Edition] -TV Anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" Opening Theme song
Click here for items related to Kimetsu no Yaiba

【2】LiSA/crossingfield [Limited Edition with DVD] TV anime "SWORD ART ONLINE" opening theme
Click here for related items of Sword Art Online

[3] Girls Dead Monster starring LiSA / Ichiban no Takara ~ Yui final ver. ~ [Limited Edition with DVD] ~ Angel Beats! Maxi Single song
Click here for related items of Angel Beats!

【4】LiSA / Rising Hope [First Press Limited version with DVDs] ~ TV anime "The irregular at magic high school" OP theme song
Click here for items related to the Irregular at Magic High School

Please take this opportunity to check out the items you are interested in!
Click here for LiSA's related items