[Celebration / Birthday] May 4 / Sairi Ito

Today, May 4 is Sairi Ito's birthday★
She turned 28 years old ther year! Congratulations!
She is a popular actress who is loved by many fans for her stable acting skills and unique husky voice!
We would like to introduce Sairi Ito's profile and her filmography!
Let's celebrate her birthday together♪(*^▽^*)

Sairi Ito's profile

She was born in Chiba prefecture on May 4, 1994. She is Taurus.
She made her debut as a child actor in 2003.
Since then, she has appeared in many TV dramas such as "Weakest Beast" and "Don't say it's a mystery", as well as in many movies and commercials such as "Hotel Royal".
She has also received numerous awards, including the 10th Tama Film Award for Best New Actress, and the 40th Yokohama Film Festival 2018 Japanese Individual Award for Best Supporting Actress.
We must keep an eye on Sairi Ito's future activities, which are getting more and more attractive.

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Sairi Ito's filmography

We will briefly introduce Sairi Ito's main performance pieces★

[1] Don't say it's a mystery [Seiko Furomitsu]
Click here for items related to Don't say it's a mystery

[2] Iine! Hikaru Genji-kun [Saori Fujiwara]
Click here for items related to Iine! Hikaru Genji-kun

[3] Hotel Royal [Maria Sakura]
Click here to view related items of Hotel Royal

[4] Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! [Midori Asakusa]
Click here to view related items of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!

★ Click here to view Sairi Ito related items ★