[Celebration / Birthday] January 1 is the birthday of manga artist Eiichiro Oda!

Today, January 1 is Eiichiro Oda's birthday.
He turned 46 years old this year! Congratulations!
Eiichiro Oda, the creator of the popular comic "ONE PIECE"!
We would like to introduce Eiichiro Oda's profile and his works!
Let's celebrate his birthday together♪(*´▽`*)

Eiichiro Oda's profile

In 1992, he was semi-selected for the Tezuka Award of Weekly Shonen Jump and made his debut as a manga artist.
The serial of "ONE PIECE" started in the same magazine in 1997! It is still being serialized now!
The story about the adventures of pirates with laughter and tears is overwhelmingly popular not only in Japan but also in the world.
Also, "ONE PIECE" has been made into an anime, and on November 21, we received a total of 1000 anime episodes!
That's so great! Congratulations!

Eiichiro Oda's works

Eiichiro Oda's related works are here!


Click here to view related items of ONE PIECE

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